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What Can I Do if I’m Afraid of Giving Birth?

pregnant woman afraid of giving birth

If you’re afraid of giving birth, know that you’re not the first woman who has had this fear. Whether you’re a first-time expectant mother or it’s been a while since you’ve given birth, it’s natural to feel some worry or anxiety.

You are your own best advocate. By staying informed, discussing concerns with your healthcare provider, and reflecting on the upcoming birth, you can confidently approach this event.

Her Hope Pregnancy Center supports you as you navigate pregnancy and parenting. Schedule an appointment to learn about our free and confidential services.

Continue reading to learn more about helpful steps to address your fears.

1. Identify your fears.

Is there anything specific about labor and delivery that frightens you? For example, some women worry about managing pain or unexpected changes to the birth plan.

Naming your concerns can help you know how to move forward—and identify the support you need. Remember, being nervous is natural, especially if you’ve never given birth before. However, be rest assured that other women have had the same fears and found the help they needed.

2. Remind yourself that birth is a part of life.

Giving birth is something women have done for centuries. Though it can be uncomfortable and painful, it is a natural event with a beautiful end goal: meeting your baby.

Your body was made to do this, and if it needs some extra help, medical professionals are standing by to help.

3. Discuss your concerns with your OB/GYN.

OB/GYNs are experts in their field and can address specific concerns about the labor and delivery process. They can provide extra reassurance and direct you to additional resources.

Your doctor will inform you of specific health problems that can change how and when you give birth. If you or your baby require extra care during or after pregnancy, know you’ll be referred to specialists.

4. Consider making a birth plan.

Some women find that making a birth plan provides the structure and reassurance they need leading up to the big event.

Birth doesn’t always go as planned, so keep this in mind as you consider your plan. For example, some women need a C-section when they are hoping for a vaginal birth. Or they may give birth without an epidural because their labor progressed very quickly.

While you can’t control every scenario, identifying who you want in the room, what type of birth experience you are hoping for, and whether you’d like pain relief gives you a better idea of what you want. Sharing these details with your healthcare providers ensures everyone is on the same page.

5. Remember that you are capable of doing this.

Though giving birth involves pain and discomfort, know that you are more capable than you realize. Reciting positive affirmations, using breathing techniques, and reminding yourself that labor is temporary can help you put your mind at ease.

Giving birth in a hospital ensures you have the medical resources and professionals needed to care for you and your child. A licensed birthing center can also be an option if you have a low-risk pregnancy and desire a homelike environment with access to medical support.

You are stronger than you realize. We’re here to help every step of the way.

Free Support is Available

Her Hope Pregnancy Center provides free parenting classes on labor and delivery, newborn care, and more. We’ll ensure you have the information needed to be an equipped and confident parent.

Taking these classes allows you to purchase maternity and baby items in our Baby Boutique, which can help alleviate financial stress.

We’re proud to be a source of emotional and material support. As you navigate pregnancy and parenting, know you aren’t alone.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today.

Categorized as Pregnant

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